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Changing Battle Gear in the Fight for Marijuana Legalization

Today as we begin to look at the atmosphere in regards to the possibility of marijuana legalization in Arkansas, it isn't hard to see how out of sync the elected officials are when it comes to what the majority of the people of Arkansas want. With this legislation we now have, how can you fight with a mere Act of the people when the possibilities that it could be repealed by 2/3rd's of the legislators looms in the distance? Even if the Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act should make ballot the oppositions are going to persuade voters not to vote for it due to the soon to be released plant derived medication produced by GW Pharmaceuticals, who have two plant based medications on the fast track to FDA approval and both medications will be hitting the pharmacy shelves any day now. Our legislators and the opposition were already combating legalization for medical purposes with the synthetic based medication called Marinol and very soon they will have two more weapons added to their arsenal, and more reasons why to say, "NO" to whole plant medical marijuana dispensaries.

Thus why we at Arkansas C.A.L.M. feel it necessary to call out to all the Arkansas Medical Cannabis Act supporters to please look at this reality, to deny the obvious here is like denying the earth is round. We the people of Arkansas should all begin to work together, and press like never before for full legalization of the cannabis plant it is the only chance we have to assure that the sick have their choice. We must take this fight to a whole other playing field, and leave the prescribing medications to the doctors and the medical professionals. We don't deny that the whole plant isn't better for you, but these medications are also going to be good for the purpose they were intended. Cannabis isn't just for the sick it's a preventative against many illnesses and diseases, and we need all Arkansans' that want the plant legal to support "The Arkansas Hemp and Marijuana Amendment". It is way overdue, we need to stop these barbaric acts carried out on the people of Arkansas for their choice to use a plant less harmful to them than alcohol. We must change our battle gear pick up the "Bible" and the "Bill of Rights" and get to work. We have some religious right-wing opposition to persuade and we must choose our weapons wisely.

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